


Born 在德克萨斯州, Tyler recalls life-changing words learned from his father at an early 年龄,“坎贝尔从不放弃。.当面对人生的障碍时,这句话 给予力量和鼓励. 泰勒获得了去旧金山的足球奖学金 迭戈州立大学毕业.  就读圣地亚哥州立大学期间,他一直是一名优秀的学者 athlete and contributed mightily on the gridiron for the Aztecs. 生命的潮汐 came rolling in during his junior year when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Tyler became the first individual to play division one college football with the disease.  After graduating from SDSU in 2009, Tyler moved back to Austin.  一位企业家 his own right, Tyler travels the country as a professional speaker delivering empowering 以及鼓舞人心的自我价值信息.  泰勒主持了“TC说话”这个短语 his own on air radio show, Real Lyfe Reel Talk, every Saturday from 12pm-1pm on 104.9 奥斯汀的号角调频. 这个鼓舞人心的节目变得如此受欢迎,以至于穆迪 School of Communications, at the 大学 of Texas, has hired him on as a consultant 和学生一起完成学期播客项目. 现在可以添加作者 to his resume with the release of his new book “The Ball Came Out: Life From The Other 田野的一边”. Tyler and his wife Shana, along with their 3 children, reside 在德克萨斯州. 


苏珊娜米. 穆尼奥斯,Ph值.D.

苏珊娜米. 穆尼奥斯,Ph值.D.

Dr. 苏珊娜米. 穆尼奥斯 is Associate Professor of Higher Education, Program Coordinator of the 高等教育领导(HEL)计划,也是CSU项目的联合主管 Race and Intersectional Studies for Educational Equity (RISE) Center in the School of Education at Colorado State 大学 (CSU).  她的学术 interests center on the experiences of minoritized populations in higher education. Specifically, she focuses her research on issues of equity, identity, and campus climate for undocumented Latinx students, while employing perspectives such as legal violence, racist nativism, Chicana feminist epistemology to identify and dismantle power, oppression, 以及这些人群所经历的不平等. 她利用多种研究 methods as mechanisms to examine these matters with the ultimate goal of informing 移民政策和高等教育实践. Dr. 穆尼奥斯获得了 White House Initiative for Educational Excellence for Hispanics 由于她的教学和研究,她也被公认为 萨尔茨堡全球研究员 并命名为"高等教育界最具影响力的25位女性的文章. 她还带来了13年的学生 affairs experience in multicultural affairs, greek life, diversity and leadership 培训、三重奏项目和住宿生活.

Dr. 穆尼奥斯得了B.A. 在爱荷华州获得政治学和国际研究学位 州立大学,文学硕士.S. 科罗拉多州立大学学生事务和高等教育硕士 大学,博士学位.D. 爱荷华州立大学教育领导与政策研究硕士 大学. 她的论文题目是 “Understanding college persistence issues for undocumented Mexican immigrant women 来自新拉丁裔移民:个案研究”, was funded through the Association for the Study of Higher Education/Lumina 基金会 论文奖学金. 她还获得了爱荷华州立大学杰出研究奖 为了她的论文研究.



威诺娜LaDuke is a Harvard-educated economist, environmental activist, author, hemp farmer, grandmother, and a two-time former Green Party Vice President candidate with 拉尔夫·纳德. LaDuke specializes in rural development, economic, food, and energy sovereignty 环境正义. Living and working on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota, she leads several organizations including Honor the Earth (co-founded with The Indigo Girls 28 years ago), Anishinaabe Agriculture Institute, Akiing, and Winona’s 麻.

These organizations develop and model cultural-based sustainable development strategies 利用可再生能源和可持续粮食系统. 她也是一个国际 thought leader and lecturer in climate justice, renewable energy, and environmental justice, plus an advocate for protecting Indigenous plants and heritage foods from 专利和基因工程.

2021年,她被任命为第一名 《韦德1946》 列表 of “50 Over 50 – Women of Impact,” in partnership with Mika Brzezinski’s “Know Your Value,” dedicated to shining a light on women over the age of 50 who have achieved significant success later in life, often overcoming formidable odds or barriers. In 1994年,拉杜克被提名 《韦德1946网站》杂志 as one of America’s 50 most promising leaders under 40 years of age. 她被授予 The Thomas Merton Award in 1996, The Biha Community Service Award in n 1997, The Ann Bancroft Award for Women’s Leadership Fellowship, and The Reebok Human Rights Award (which she used to begin the White Earth Land Recovery Project). In 1998, Ms. 杂志 named her Woman of the Year for her work with Honor the Earth.

A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she also has written extensively on 印第安人和环境问题. 拉杜克是绿色和平组织的前董事会成员 USA and serves as co-chair of the Indigenous Women’s Network, a North American and 太平洋土著妇女组织.

她的七本书包括: 印度的军事化 (2011); 恢复神圣:命名和主张的力量 (2005); The non-fiction book 《我们所有的关系:为土地和生命而奋斗 (1999, South End Press); and a novel《最后的女人》 (1997年,旅行者出版社). 她的新书, 成为一个水保护者:温迪古杀手的崛起 (Fernwood Press/Columbia 大学), is an expansive, provocative engagement with issues that have been central to her many years of activism, including seven years battling Line 3 -- an Enbridge tar sands oil pipeline in northern Minnesota.

Dr. G.T. 雷耶斯

Dr. G.T. 雷耶斯

As an uninvited settler on the unceeded Huichin, ancestral land of the Oholone, aka 东奥克兰博士. G.T. 雷耶斯(Taga-Ilog & Kapampangan) is a community-engaged scholar-artist-organizer-PRAXISioner.  His work is grounded in the empowerment of young folks, teachers, school leaders, and cultural workers to radically imagine and build capacity to transform their own realities while both excavating and honoring their ancestral ways of being and becoming. As an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership for Social Justice Ed.D. 程序 and Preliminary Administrative Credential Services 程序 at California State 大学, East Bay, he is an active part of cultivating 程序s that have liberatory potential 和权力.  His approaches to educational leadership development, research, and professional 学习植根于批判性的、社会文化的、 & 种族研究论述了这一点 forefront culturally sustaining and radical healing pedagogies while also decentering 白人和殖民主义.

了解更多韦德1946博士. G.T. 雷耶斯