Committee Workgroups & 特别工作组

EMP: Educational Master Plan Leadership 特别工作组

Current 特别工作组 Status |  特别工作组 Goals:

“大学 will be engaged in drafting a new Educational Master Plan in 2020. The taskforce is charged with facilitating and shepherding the process at the campus with the support of Signature Solutions Corporate Results, the hired consultant group. The taskforce will work closely with the consultant group to gather college-wide input for the content of the plan, review and organize feedback, and facilitate college-wide review of plan drafts. The taskforce will ensure regular communication to the campus on the planning timeline, progress, and status. Working with PRAC as the steering committee, the taskforce will collaborate with District and hired consultants to develop “翠's Educational Master Plan, including:

  1. Ensuring campus-wide engagement in gathering input, discussing challenges and opportunities, and reviewing drafts of the EMP.
  2. Facilitating review of our Mission, Vision, and Values statements by proposing and revising drafts, gathering feedback, and shepherding the review and approval through shared governance committees.
  3. Ensuring the Educational Master Plan is in alignment with our Vision 成功目标 and existing campus plans.
  4. ​Proposing a general process and timeline(s) for evaluating progress toward the master 计划的目标.



Current Workgroup Status |  Workgroup Goals:

“大学 has a new Strategic Plan Goal for 2019-2022, but the plan itself needs to be developed and
incorporated into the new Educational Master Plan. The purpose of this work group is to set strategic objectives and activities as well as to coordinate with the district on setting the direction for the development of a new Educational Master Plan for “翠.

(Workgroup meetings ended on February 12, 2020 for AY 2019-2020)

  1. Recommend vetted strategic plan objectives and activities to President Sperling by 2020年1月.
  2. Recommend an institutional planning cycle that integrates the timing of College and 区周期.
  3. Ensure the Strategic Plan and Educational Master Plan are in alignment with our Vision 成功目标.
  4. Work with District and hired consultant to develop “翠's Educational Master 规划 Process, solicit community inputs, and draft goals for the EMP by June 2020.
  5. Develop a process and timeline(s) for evaluating our progress toward the established 规划的目标.


CRAM: College Resource Allocation Model

Current Workgroup Status  |  Workgroup Goals:

Our current college allocation model is not widely understood by the campus community and could do a better job in incorporating all groups/committees across campus that make decisions that impact funding. The purpose of this workgroup is to identify areas of improvement to ensure that the college budget allocation process is clear and linked with institutional plans and goals.

(Workgroup meetings ended on February 12, 2020 for AY 2019-2020)

  1. Continue to explore & develop rubrics for resource committees to prioritize funding 请求.
  2. Work in conjunction with the VP of Administrative Services and the Director of Institutional Effectiveness to develop an integrated budget and planning calendar.
  3. Evaluate current college allocation model and make recommendations for improvement.
  4. Integrate restricted funds into the resource allocation process as appropriate.
  5. Incorporate college planning initiatives for 2020-2021 into campus resource allocation.
  6. Stay informed of Classified, 教师, and Administrator prioritization processes and incorporate funding implications and timelines into the college resource allocation model as appropriate.