奖助金 & 新分类 建议

Our 建议, 2023-2024:

日期及主题 结果/回应
2023-09-27: California Department of Social Services - South Hayward Promise Neighborhoods 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-09-27: National Science 基金会 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Innovation in Two-Year College STEM Education (ITYC) 奖助金 批准开发 and invite groups to present.
2023-11-15: National Science 基金会 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Innovation in Two-Year College STEM Education (ITYC) 奖助金 批准提交.
2024-01-24: National Science 基金会 奖学金 in STEM (S-STEM) 奖助金 批准开发 and 提交.
2024-01-24: Kaiser Permanente 2024 Community Health 奖助金 批准开发 and 提交.
2024-03-19: Sutter Health 2024 Community Health 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2024-03-19: Michelson 20MM Spark 格兰特 OER Cycle 批准开发 and 提交.


Our 建议, 2022-2023:

日期及主题 结果/回应
2022-09-28: CalRecycle Beverage Container Recycling 格兰特  批准开发 and 提交.
2022-09-28: E2 Energy to Educate 奖助金 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-09-28: Quadratec Cares Energize the Environment 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-09-28: Department of Education, Promise Neighborhoods 格兰特 Support the grant as written.
2022-09-28: California Community Colleges, Zero Textbook Cost Program, Phase 2 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-10-26: Song-Brown Healthcare Workforce Training Program (Nursing) 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-01-25: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Culturally Responsive 教育学 & Practices Innovative Best Practices 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-01-25: 学习 Lab’s Grand Challenge: Building Critical Mass for Data Science 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-03-22: 基金会 for California Community Colleges, Nursing Education Investment 基金资助 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-03-22: USC Race and Equity Center and ECMC 基金会, Takeoff: A Men of Color 创新格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-04-26: Sutter Health East Bay Community Health 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-04-26: US Department of Education FIPSE Open Textbooks Pilot Program 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2023-04-26: US Department of Education Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.


Our 建议, 2021-2022:

日期及主题 结果/回应
2021-09-22: California College Pathways Funders Alliance Renewal 格兰特  批准开发 and 提交.
2021-11-17: California Community Colleges, California 学徒 Initiative – Pre-学徒 & 学徒 格兰特 Program 2021 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-01-26: California Community Colleges - Rising Scholars Network 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-02-23: United Way Bay Area Housing Justice Initiative 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-02-23: StopWaste Reusable Foodware Infrastructure and Services Pilot Projects Approval to continue development and support proposal submission.
2022-03-23: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program, Food for Life Initiative 格兰特 批准开发 and 提交.
2022-03-23: 基金会 for California Community Colleges, Regional K-16 Education Collaboratives 格兰特 Program Approval to explore proposal development.


Our 建议, 2020-2021:

日期及主题 结果/回应
2020-09-23: California College Pathways Funders Alliance (Stuart 基金会) 格兰特  批准开发 and 提交.
2020-10-28: US Department of Education, TRIO Talent 搜索 Program 格兰特 批准开发 & 提交.
2020-10-28: National Science 基金会, 格兰特 Subapplication. (领导机构: San Jose State University)   批准开发 & 提交.
2020-10-28: United Way Bay Area/Stupski 基金会 SparkPoint Center 格兰特  批准开发 & 提交.
2020-10-28:  John Burton Advocates for Youth, 基本需求 Initiative 格兰特
批准开发 & 提交. 
2020-10-28: City of Hayward, Drive-Thru Pantry 合同
 批准开发 & 提交.
2021-01-27: Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) CalFRESH 外展 Campus Funding 合同
 批准开发 & 提交.
2021-01-27: US Department of Education, TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers 2021 格兰特
批准开发 & 提交. 
2021-01-27: CA Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program FY 2020-21 Applications
批准开发 & 提交. 
2021-03-17: US Department of Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics and Articulation Programs – Title III, Part F 格兰特
批准开发 & 提交.
2021-03-17: US Department of Education: Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions Program – Title III, Part F 格兰特
批准开发 & 提交.