
You can find various career resources on this webpage. Please choose the category 你 are interested in to be taken to the relevant resources:

Career Assessments & 数据库
资源 for Specific Career Areas



View the list of on-campus student 工作 that are available at “大学.

Handshake (Student Internship & 工作委员会)

Handshake is the online internship and job board hosted by the Chabot 职业中心. You can create an account and view the 工作 and internships posted by employers and filter for employers that have connected with the 职业中心 looking to hire Chabot 大学生.


Job and internship website for the general public. 搜索 for thousands of job and internships postings here.

Career Assessments & 数据库


This career database information on tasks, skills, salaries, and more for over 900 不同的职业. Users can find careers through keyword search, by browsing careers, or by completing the career assessment, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests.

What Can I Do With This Major? (UC Berkeley Resource)

This resource provides 你 information about career areas typically associated with different types of majors. 


This website offers a personality assessment. After completing the assessment, 你 will receive a hollistic report on 你r personality type, including a report on 你r type as it relates to a career and workplace fit.

Skills Matcher Assessment | Career One Stop

A skills assessment to assess 你r skills and show 你 career options that might be 非常合适.

Values/Work Characteristics Inventory | CareerPerfect

An assessment of 你r work values.

Interactive Career Roadmap Activity | Roadtrip Nation

An interest assessment that connects 你 with career information that may be relevant to 你r interests.  


While The Muse offers a career advice blog, it’s also a job search site with a useful company profiles database. The profiles sometimes include interviews with current employees and other information 你 can use to decide if the company is right for 你.

资源 for Specific Career Areas

Allied Health Careers Reference Sheet: Alternatives to Nursing

This sheet has a list of various allied heath programs with colleges close to Chabot 大学. These programs can be alternative career goals for those deciding to pivot away from nursing, but still be in healthcare.

学徒 项目 with “大学

Learn about our apprenticeship programs in various areas such as construction trades, healthcare, appliance repair and installation, advanced manufacturing, information technology (IT), and much more.

Machine Tool Technology Jobs | “大学 Machine Tool Technology Department

The “大学 Machine Tool Technology department has a list of local machining 工作. Use this resource if 你 are looking for these kind of 工作 or simply review the 工作 to explore and learn about this career field.

NURS 10: How to Be Successful in a Nursing Program

NURS 10 (0.5 units) course introduces students to the rigors and curriculum in the Nursing Program. Students prepare to be SUCCESSFUL by learning about topics such as critical thinking, study skills, time management, nursing theory, math for medication, and the nursing process. Open to all students. Can be a great opportunity for 你 to learn more about the nursing path.

STEM 工作/实习 | “大学 STEM Center

The “大学 STEM Center is offering 工作 and internships opportunities for all students to support the “大学 community. Students are encouraged to utilize these helpful resources.