DSPS Counselors and Staff

DSPS Director

Nathaniel Rice, DSPS Director
DSPS Program Management, Coordination, and Outreach
nrice@dftractor.com, (510) 723-6803
(Note: If note able to reach the director in a timely manner, please contact the DSPS front desk for faster assistance, at (510) 723-6725.

DSPS Classified Professional
Accommodation Support Team

If you are unable to reach a DSPS staff member directly, please call the front desk: 510-723-6725

Wayland Wong, Counselor Assistant I
Front Desk, Appointments Scheduling, and General Information
whwong@dftractor.com, (510) 723-6725

Renato Ramento, Counselor Assistant II
Alternative Testing and Classroom Accommodations
rramento@dftractor.com, (510) 723-7201

Shawna Crawford, Counselor Assistant II
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services and Student File Maintenance
scrawford@dftractor.com, (510) 723-6990

Thomas Dowrie, Alternate Media Technology Specialist
Alternate Media Production/Assistive Technology
tdowrie@dftractor.com, (510) 723-7252

Richard "Will" Williams, Mobility Assistant
Cart Rides/In-Class Accessible Furniture
rwilliams@dftractor.com, (510) 723-6725 - call the front desk to schedule mobility rides

Learning Skills Instructional Assistants

Lisa Carlsen, Learning Skills Instructional Assistant II
lcarlsen@dftractor.com, (510) 723-7425

Justin Jackson, Learning Skills Instructional Assistant II
jjackson@dftractor.com, (510) 723-6815

DSPS Counselors/PSCN Faculty

Please contact the DSPS counselors either by email or calling the front desk at 510-723-6725 to find out their availability.

Linda Phan, DSPS Counselor/Instructor

Felicia Fierro, DSPS Counselor/Instructor

Dennis Cambara, DSPS Counselor/Instructor

Debbie Green, DSPS Adjunct Counselor

DSPS Learning Skills Faculty

Heather Clements, Learning Skills Instructor/LD Specialist

Joshua Telles, Learning Skills Instructor/LD Specialist

DSPS Adaptive PE Faculty

Kyle Robinson, Adaptive P.E. Instructor/Coach