
I have over twenty five years of experience in education, youth development, teaching 多元化领导. 夏博提供了一个独特而有力的机会 us an educational community to provide anti-biased, anti-racist, equitable educational 给学生的体验. 公平工作是一种人性化的教育和延伸 我们要充分发挥我们作为自我实现的人的潜力. 我们可以玩, 一起实验,一起学习. 简单地说,我们有很多的乐趣,因为我们 在Chabot建立一个平等运动! 我喜欢和教育工作者一起工作 to know my colleagues across campus fuels the work I am lucky to do with the CCEPG.的 夏博社区表现出的勇气和脆弱令人鼓舞.


I started teaching 20 years ago with the goal of transforming schools into more equitable learning spaces and soon discovered that self-transformation is the foundation upon 这样崇高的目标必须建立在哪里. 对我来说,公平就是提升人性, returning to a belief system that centers community well-being, that centers dignity 对于每个人来说. 股权投资工作 is heart work; it is joyous and creative and it stretches 我们要更好地照顾彼此,照顾我们的土地,照顾我们自己. 它提醒 我要谦卑地前进,要记住,我们一起知道很多. 股权投资工作 challenges me to listen better, to acknowledge my privilege and use it for change. 它激励我每天都为自由而奋斗.


克拉拉麦克莱恩 克拉拉麦克莱恩 

我总是被迫对不公正进行思考和行动. 我深信 we, and our institutions, can and do transform, though it will not happen without 挫折与深刻斗争.

As a community 大学 teacher, there is nothing I value more than those exciting, 给我的学生带来转变和觉醒的时刻. 我相信我们的思想是 hungry for this kind of deep work, and that moving into difficult areas, into areas 不适感,往往是真正的学问所在. 与CCPEG的合作 an amazing opportunity for me to have the same kind of profound learning experiences 这是我对我的学生们的希望.

I first got involved with CCPEG work in 2015 through a pilot project organized by 卡门·约翰斯顿和克里斯汀·兰德. 一群教官聚在一起 semester to learn about transforming our teaching and institutional work toward more 以公平为中心,明确以正义为导向的做法.

Working with this group was so enriching; we had some of the most exciting discussions 我在教学生涯中遇到过的最糟糕的事情. 我们做的韦德1946重新思考课程设置的练习 through a more conscious equity lens have forever changed the way I design my classes.

I’ve now been working with the CCPEG for 6 years, in a variety of capacities—attending workshops and leadership retreats, leading equity trainings for part-time instructors in my division, and participating in and leading sessions for a campus-wide affinity group for those of us with white privilege who want to become better allies for our BIPOC的同事和学生们. 在新冠疫情时期,我们实际上能够坚持下去 more sessions, and draw in more participants, than we could before, so it seems like 这项工作一直在蓬勃发展,并向外扩散. 每次会议都有不同的重点, and each one brings new opportunities for learning and growing in our roles on campus, and contributing to the gradual transformation of the institutional culture of the 大学.


I believe that to achieve equity for students at Chabot we have to look at our pedagogy 和实践. 当学生受到老师的启发时,他们是惊人的和成功的 和内容. 教师可以互相学习. 我一开始是做特殊教育的 专业的K-12课程,这都是韦德1946公平的. 学生有不同的能力 并以不同的方式取得成功. 作为一名教育工作者,PD将永远是相关的和必要的. 我的实践总是可以更好和改进的. 我总是学得最多 同事们的. 我对查伯特公平PD的梦想和希望是每个成员 of our community view it as a priority and step into the work with humility. 我希望 that our community will truly honor what is means to be working toward liberation, 而不仅仅是说说而已.



In 2017, I attended a retreat led by Carmen and Kristin in order to connect with other Chabot的公平教育工作者. 在那次静修中,我发现自己有一些 of the most honest conversations that I had ever had in a professional setting. 自 then, I have worked with CCEPG in order to continue reflecting, learning,
and creating with educators committed to serving the students that the school system 不是用来服务的吗.





Joining the Chabot community in 2015 offered me the opportunity to join an Equity 教师调查小组(FIG). 我最初这样做是希望改善课堂文化 for my students, offering them more opportunities to connect with each other and increasing 与材料的接触. 我得到了更多:发展人际关系的机会 with colleagues, to interrogate the systems that undergird American educational culture 然后练习,把我学到的东西和我自己的教学结合起来. 我一直受到启发 colleagues who have applied principles of equity to campus matters ranging from student 从课程到招聘服务.
I’m committed to Equity PD because it has consistently offered me the chance to step out of my own experience, learn from my colleagues, question my practices, and learn 更清楚地倾听我的学生的经历. 在这些培训课程中, I have grappled with political and theoretical questions surrounding education as 开发我的教学工具箱.

Michael LaiMichael Lai

股权专业发展(PD)是成长. 为了更好地服务学生, 我必须成长为一名辅导员和一个人. 我的大学生涯开始了 at a community 大学 and I believe community 大学s offer a unique and special 培养领导者的机会. 作为一名咨询师,健康是中心 在我的大部分工作中. 当我听说. 杰夫·邓肯-安德拉德,公平权益的领袖之一 and education, speak and express “equity is wellness” and “students get what they 当他们需要的时候就需要”,这一切都汇聚在我身上. 所有社区大学的工作都是 股权投资工作. 我的希望是,而不是股权是另一个东西放在上面 our “work”, equity becomes the core, and all our duties and responsibilities are built 在它周围.



我从事股权投资工作已经好几年了. 我的参与始于 my participation in learning communities (particularly Umoja) and interest in engaging 在正在进行的正式和非正式的韦德1946公平教学的对话中. 它继续 to be my desire to become a better teacher for all of my students and engage others 在围绕公平和教学法的讨论中. 我的希望是帮助制度化 一个关注公平问题的教与学中心.





I am committed to equity Professional Development because I feel the need to continue 我的导师和我一起开始的工作. 我相信以身作则,如果我是 成为即将到来的辅导员的导师 & 老师们,我需要证明这是可行的 是连续的.
我的梦想 & 我希望我的同事们知道,在查伯特有公平的PD 我们校园里的一个社区 & 即使工作看起来沉重而孤独, 知道我们并不孤单 & 这并不总是很沉重,因为有同事 我们可以信任和分担负担的人.




I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be part of equity focused professional 查伯特学院的发展. 我们建立的意想不到的关系,与众不同 perspectives that have changed our thinking, the stories of bravery that inspire us, the self-examination that has us humbled - we dig deeper for those honest answers 这将使我们的社区更加团结. 我的希望是通过工作 together we can make a positive change in the equity climate at “大学.





I am committed to 股权投资工作 because I believe that none 我们是自由的 until all 我们是自由的. 公平工作是实现共同愿景的集体工作 of the world as a place of freedom, purpose, and joy; it's the ability of each to 充分发挥人类的潜能. 在夏博,股权工作对我来说就是项目 of cultivating a community of care and learning to help us confront unjust ideas and 在大学生活的各个方面进行实践. 我想看到学生们微笑着茁壮成长 以他们自己的方式.





我致力于这项工作,因为公平是必要的,而不是可选的. 我想要权益 正念成为每个与查伯特有联系的人的标准. 我想揭露 我的盲点,成为变革的推动者. 我在CCEPG是为了成长、学习和存在 an active participant to address and identify/fix the ever-present equity issues.在那里 is still a disconnect when it comes to equity for employees, particularly Classified 专业人士. 我的梦想和希望是我们能继续带来 awareness of inequities and develop actionable plans to address equity issues.